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Ka'ba or Ka'bah or Ka'aba (Islam) - According to Muslim tradition it is a cube shaped building established by Adam and rebuilt by Abraham or Ibrahim and Ishmael in Makkah but surrounded with pagan deities until Muhammad's (pbuh) work. It contains the sacred black rock in one corner. It is the focal point of worldwide Muslim prayer.
Kabbalah (Judaism, Pagan) - Jewish mysticism but according to logical connections as formulated from 12th century onwards. The Pagans have taken it on themselves as a form of secret knowledge. Literally means 'receiving'.
Kachha or katchera (Sikhism) - Drawers or briefs which are one of the five Ks that a Khalsa Sikh must wear. They are a symbol of self control.
Kaddish (Judaism) - Jewish prayer of sanctification in the synagogue service.
Kalimah (Islam) - The Muslim confession of faith, 'There is no god but the God and Muhammad (pbuh) is the messenger of God.'
Kalpa (Hinduism) - One Day of Brahma or 1000 great yugas meaning 4320 million years.
Kalyug (Sikhism) - An age in which righteousness and godliness is forgotten. Contrast with Satyug.
Kam (Sikhism) - Lust, being one of the weaknesses.
Kama (Hinduism) - Many forms of desire and craving and Kamadeva personifies this.
Kamadhuk (Hinduism) - The cow of wishes who grants all desires.
Kanga (Sikhism) - Comb, which is one of the five Ks symbols that a Khalsa Sikh must wear. It symbolises hygiene and discipline.
Kapila (Hinduism) - First teacher of Sankhya philosophy.
Kar Seva (Sikhism) - Voluntary work carried out for religious purposes, in particular the building of gurdwaras. Its other meaning is the removal of silt every 50 years from the tank surrounding Harmandir Sahib.
Kara (Sikhism) - The steel bracelet which is one of the five Ks or physical symbols that a Khalsa Sikh must wear. It symbolises restraint and recalling God.
Karah parshad (Sikhism) - A food prepared from flour or semolina, butter, sugar and water, shared at the end of a service and most religious observances, in the presence of the Guru Granth Sahib and sanctified by prayers. It symbolises the equality of all members of the congregation. It means 'pudding'.
Karma (Hinduism, Buddhism) (Pali: kamma) - Cause and effect process (from kri, meaning to do). The law of Karma in Hinduism is that good actions assist a good rebirth and bad actions a bad rebirth. In Buddhism it is a way of spiritual progress that may involve rebirth but rebirth means more than reincarnation and refers to everything changing (we are not the same person when older than when younger). Literally it means 'actions'. In Sikhism God may give or withhold Karma which means reward or punishment. Karma leads to Moksha in Hinduism and Karmayoga is one of the yogas in this regard meaning doing action and selfless service.
Karna (Hinduism) - Brave warrior in Mahabharata but short mention in the Bhagavad Gita.
Karta Purukh (Sikhism) - A name of God, the Creator.
Kaur (Sikhism) - The mandatory name given to all females initiated into the Sikh community. It means 'princess'. It can also be a midle or last name for others.
Kauravas (Hinduism) - Duryodhana and brothers, seen as wicked usurpers, greedy for wealth and power, and enemies of the Pandavas brothers, who are the good guys. They fight the Pandavas for the ancient throne of Hastinapura. The battle to decide their conflict is ready to commence in the Bhagavad Gita (the sons of Kuru).
Kes (Sikhism) - Sikhs in the Khalsa brotherhood have uncut hair as a symbol of spirituality and this is a requirement. It is one of the five Ks.
Kaurava (Hinduism) - One of the two rival families in the Mahabharata.
Ketubim (Judaism) - The writings being the third part of the Jewish Bible.
Khalifah (Islam) - The representatives of the Prophet who became caliphs but in the spiritual sense it means universal man as God's vice-gerent before the whole of creation.
Khalsa (Sikhism) - The Sikh order instituted by Guru Gobind Singh in 1699. It means either 'pure' or 'God's own'. Khalsa Sikhs should keep vows and wear the five Ks.
Khanda (Sikhism) - Seen on badges and the Sikh flag, it is the emblem of a double-edged sword, circle and two scimitars representing balance as introudced by Guru Hargobind.
Khutba (Islam) - Sermon preached in a mosque on Fridays.
Kiddush (Judaism) - Sanctification ceremony at the commencement of Shabbat and festivals.
Kirpan (Sikhism) - The decorative knife that is worn. This is one of the five symbols that a Khalsa Sikh must wear and represents the fight against injustice and religious oppression.
Kirtan Sohila (Sikhism) - A collection of three hymns by Guru Nanak, one by Guru Ram Das and one by Guru Arjun. They are recited as part of Nitnem before bed. They also form part of the funeral rites. A kirtan is a musical rendering of Sikh gurbani.
Kripa (Hinduism) - Teacher of the royal family and warrior.
Krishna - Incarnation of Vishnu to restore dharma and who personifies spiritual love in everyone. Krishna is the friend and advisor of Arjuna (in the Bhagavad Gita) and the other Pandava brothers (either black or to krish to draw or be attractive). There are other stories of Krishna as a naughty child, for instance told to admit he swallowed mud he opened his mouth to reveal the mud which displayed the whole universe.
Kshatriya (Hinduism) - Protector or warrior class of ancient Indian society and varna (caste) which can study but may not teach Hindu sacred writings. It is one of the twice born (the first three varnas) and its males come of age at 11.
kshetra (Hinduism) - A field, a place, a sacred place or temple.
Kubera (Hinduism) - God of wealth.
kundalini (Hinduism) - Spiritual or evolutionary energy, coiled at the base of the spine and, according to yogi texts, to be brought out by meditation and yoga so that it can rise up and activate higher centres of con-sciousness (The serpent power).
Kurahts (Sikhism) - The vows of abstinence on becomming a Khalsa which involve not cutting your own hair, not eating Muslim halal meat, indulging in adultery, nor drinking and taking intoxicants.
Kurukshetra (Hinduism) - Site of the Mahabharata battle

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